Sometimes You Have To Let Go Even If You Still Love The Person
pixabay The way toward relinquishing somebody you cherish is one of life's most excruciating encounters. When you h…
pixabay The way toward relinquishing somebody you cherish is one of life's most excruciating encounters. When you h…
With classes right around the corner, we thought it would be a good idea to talk about something that most college (or e…
So you and the “love of your life,” just broke up and you think it’s the end of the world. You start blaming yourself an…
Sometimes, especially when we get comfortable in our relationships, we forget to do sweet things for our partner like we…
Sometimes when we’re in a relationship, no matter how well things are going, we panic and ask ourselves, “Is he/she the …
PIXABAY Your wedding day may be the happiest day of your life, and if you do it right, will be the most unforgettabl…
1. Alone time never feels lonely. When you’re a healthy, self-sufficient person time alone is a pleasure. You aren’t c…
Nine in 10 Americans are using online dating platforms nowadays, when meeting your significant other online is not a sti…
Guess what? You’re off the hook. You don’t need to sit around wonder if all the arguing means that your relationship is …
You prefer to curl up and read a book by yourself over going to a flashy social event. You like the company of one close…
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