Signs That You’re Capable Of Feeling Fulfilled On Your Own


1. Alone time never feels lonely.

When you’re a healthy, self-sufficient person time alone is a pleasure. You aren’t checking your phone every ten minutes to see if anyone texted, Whatsapped, or tagged you in a Facebook post. You relish your alone time because you’ve got plenty of  #%*$ to do, and it’s easier to get it done without any distractions. Or you’re simply happy to be able to have time to take care of yourself and have time for stuff like reading a book, binge watching that show you’ve got six episodes queued up of, or doing your beauty regime.

2. You can go a day without texting or calling someone (except for work obligations) or updating your statuses online.

O.K so we are all somewhat addicted to our phones these days. It’s where we check work emails and answer calls- not just where we do meaningless stuff like check out FB updates or play games. If you’re someone who doesn’t rely on others to validate your popularity or to keep you entertained, you’ll find it easier to take a device-free day and not freak out about it. (Obviously don’t do it on a workday if you need your phone for work.) Secure, fulfilled people don’t feel the need to get public responses to everything they do, or to chat about nothing. They might do it for fun sometimes, but won’t feel it’s a huge loss if they aren’t online for a few days.

3. You break up with people when they aren’t right for you. You’re o.k. with being single until someone truly great comes along.

Relationships can be awesome. Having a partner to do everything with and cuddle with on movie night is something most of us would like. Who doesn’ t like to be part of a romance? There’s a difference between being in a rewarding relationship and just killing time with people so you don’t have to be alone. Self-fulfilled people understand this and are happy enough to wait until someone they really like (and who deserves it) comes along. They have friends and also their own company (which they find enjoyable) and that’s enough. If Mr. Right comes along, great! Until then, “la vita e bella”  anyways!

4. You travel solo or attend social events solo and don’t feel awkward.

Sure when we were kids everyone’s worst nightmare might have been showing up to a dance alone, or being out on the playground with no one to play with. That’s because we were kids! Getting older brings more life experience and more confidence. It also teaches us how to socialize better and to talk to strangers even when we don’t want to. (He hem… been to a networking event, office party, or interview lately?) Some people find showing up to events, or traveling solo a scary thing. Not you! You are a comfortable, poised social curator who’s not afraid to sit alone at a restaurant or café while writing in your journal, taking in the scenery, or walking up and introducing yourself to the group of people milling around near the door of the LinkedIn business mixer you hit up solo after work. If you want to get out there and do things, you do them. Even if you can’t always find someone free to do them with you.

5. You take care of yourself even when no one is watching.

We all know what we should be doing to take care of ourselves and our health. However, many people don’t practice healthy habits unless someone is watching. Having a partner always around (or a group) watching motivates many people to take better care of themselves. When you don’t need someone else to convince you to be good to yourself, you take care of yourself every day, not just on the days that people see you. You hit the gym or take a run even when you don’t want to because you know if you don’t do it, it’ll keep getting harder. You floss your teeth even when it’s not almost your dental check up date, because you know it’ll keep you from having worse problems in the future.  In short, you value yourself enough to take care of the amazing vessel (your body) you were given.

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