From conception to birth , women can have complications that pose a great risk to the health of the mother and baby. At any sign of risk it is important that women have full access to a health system to receive immediate treatment.However, in many parts of Africa women do not have the information necessary to worry about the warning signs before or do not have access to the necessary treatment.
Therefore, women living in poverty suffer from miscarriages, sexually transmitted diseases, violence, and maternal death, to name only a few situations.
To prevent this from happening, you need to make better conditions for the reproductive health of women.
4. Improve the management of natural sources
In sub - Saharan Africa , women produce between 60 and 80% of food sold and consumed in homes. In countries in particular, the figures vary widely, for example in Sudan's contribution of women in food production is 30%, while in Congo is 80%.
Beyond that, all over the continent in general, and especially in sub - Saharan Africa, women have a basic role in the application of fertilizer and pesticides, planting, at harvest, processing and transport of food, and Finally, in the marketing .
However, women have less access to land than men and the low recognition of their role in the continent's economy is regrettable. In many of these regionsshould recognize the role of women in production. To do this, you must provide the tools, training and the necessary recognition to women. Furthermore, this increase achieved quality of crop fields and thereby improve production.
3. Improving education
25% of women in the world are illiterate and the vast majority live in Africa. In addition, in 47 of 54 African countries, women have less than a 50% chance of completing high school.
The level of education of women and girls in parts of Africa is worrying. In Sudan, a woman is more likely to die in childbirth than to finish primary. In addition, less than 2% of women in Somalia attend secondary. In Uganda and Kenya, fewer than half of women than men who come to attend the later years of school. And in Uganda less than 12% of teachers are women, in Somalia less than 3%.
The education of women has many benefits. to begin reducing poverty, improving the health of women and households, as women have more income and fewer children.
2. Economic Empowerment
The women in Africa spend 90% of their income on their homes. In contrast, men spend 30 or 40%. Undoubtedly, women are the basis for building a strong, sustainable and equitable economy. Expand freedom and education and opportunity to every woman in the continent is the solution to achieve economic growth that these countries badly need.
In agriculture , women are essential and in the organization and home maintenance and new generations as well. And all this despite laws that limit access of women to own property, inherit, have credit decisions. and the large amount of gender violence. How would then the potential of women in Africa if all these barriers?
It is necessary that women have access to the tools, knowledge and freedom to support households and successful agriculture
1. Political Empowerment
The participation of women in politics in Africa has increased considerably since the 90s, with their participation in a variety of organizations in both local government and the legislature. However, in many regions when women political positions are still subject to intimidation, harassment and even violence have.
In fact, many notions traditional still believe that politics is not "work for a woman." Besides this, in many countries women have no right to own property or inherit property, to access credit, go to school, receive an income or change
The woman is the key to developing a policy with better opportunities without corruption. The paticipation of woman in politics will allow a stronger democracy and will be, no doubt, a strong political and economic growth.